Ceník a technické parametry vysokotlakových kvasných jednotek MODULO FUIC / FUEC:
Kvasné jednotky vysokotlakové – 3,0 bar
– CK tanky jsou vyrobené jako vysokotlakové nádoby, určené pro hlavní kvašení mladiny nebo moštu, pro následné zrání piva nebo cideru pod přetlakem do 2,0 bar a dále je při přetlaku až 3,0 bar možné nápoj strojově stáčet jdo kegů a do lahví. V těchto tancích je možné nápoj zahradit a přejít z hlavního kvašení na zrání nápoje ve stejné nádobě. V tomto provedení jsou vnitřní svary broušeny na drsnost Ra 0,8, což výrazně zlepšuje skluz usazených kvasnic do jímacího kónusu tanku.
Ceník a technické parametry vyráběných kvasných jednotek MODULO :
Kvasné-zrací jednotky Modulo s integrovaným kompaktním vodním chladičem
- FUIC-SHP-2xCCT : Kvasné a zrací jednotky se 2 ks zjednodušených CKT pro max. tlak 3.0 bar
- FUIC 2xCCT : Kvasné a zrací jednotky se 2ks plnohodnotných CKT pro max. tlak 0.0 – 3.0 bar
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SHP :
FUIC-SHP2C-2x500CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×500/625 liters 2.5 bar
Price: 17 568 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP2C-2x500CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 500 liters
FUIC-SHP2C-2x1000CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×1000/1200 liters 2.5 bar
Price: 22 731 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP2C-2x1000CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 1000 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x500CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×500/625 liters 2.5bar
Price: 27 991 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x500CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 500 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x200CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×200/240 liters 2.5bar
Price: 24 274 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x200CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 200 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x100CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×100/120 liters 2.5bar
Price: 20 524 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x100CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 100 liters
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SHP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie Classic :
PED-C : PED 2014/68/EU – the European certificate for the pressure equipment
Price: 3 060 €
The PED certificate is a necessary document for every pressure device with a permissible pressure greater than 0.5 bar (0.5 MPa), which is intended for use in European countries and in other countries that use and accept European technical standards.
FUIC-CHP2C-2x2000CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×2000/2203 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 29 443 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP2C-2x2000CCT is an independent mobile equipment with two fermentors type of cylindrically-conical tanks 2x 2000 liters (total capacity 2×2203 liters) The FUIC unit includes everything what is necessary to the main fermentation of beer, to the beer maturation under pressure, to an isobaric filling of beer into kegs or bottles or to serving of beer into drink glasses directly from the fermentors that are included in this unit. The FUIC unit may be used also for the fermentation of other alcoholic beverages like sparkling wine, cider etc. This type of the FUIC unit consists of these components :
- 2 pcs of CCT 2000 liters (usable volume) / 2203 liters (total volume) : Cylindrically-conical fermentors made of stainless steel that are insulated by PUR foam, cooled by water or glycol that circulated in cooling channels of double-jacket
- 2 pcs of the compact water cooler with cooling capacity 2.3 kW (this is valid for cooling temperature 0°C and ambient temperature 25°C)
- Elements for measurement and control of temperature and circulation of coolant
- Piping for cooling liquid - elements for connecting between coolers and tanks
- Supporting frame with adjustable legs or wheels with brake
FUIC-CHP2C-2x1500CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×1500/1865 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 28 453 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP2C-2x1500CCT is an independent mobile equipment with two fermentors type of cylindrically-conical tanks 2x 1500 liters (total capacity 2×1865 liters) The FUIC unit includes everything what is necessary to the main fermentation of beer, to the beer maturation under pressure, to an isobaric filling of beer into kegs or bottles or to serving of beer into drink glasses directly from the fermentors that are included in this unit. The FUIC unit may be used also for the fermentation of other alcoholic beverages like sparkling wine, cider etc. This type of the FUIC unit consists of these components :
- 2 pcs of CCT 1500 liters (usable volume) / 1865 liters (total volume) : Cylindrically-conical fermentors made of stainless steel that are insulated by PUR foam, cooled by water or glycol that circulated in cooling channels of double-jacket
- 2 pcs of the compact water cooler with cooling capacity 2.3 kW (this is valid for cooling temperature 0°C and ambient temperature 25°C)
- Elements for measurement and control of temperature and circulation of coolant
- Piping for cooling liquid - elements for connecting between coolers and tanks
- Supporting frame with adjustable legs or wheels with brakes
FUIC-CHP1C-2x750CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×750/900 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 19 287 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP1C-2x750CCT is an independent mobile equipment with two fermenters type of cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 750 liters. (total capacity 2×900 liters) The FUIC unit includes everything what is necessary to the main fermentation of beer, to the beer maturation under pressure, to an isobaric filling beer into kegs or bottles or to serving beer into drink glasses directly from the fermenters that are included in this unit. The FUIC unit may be used also for the fermentation of other alcoholic beverages like sparkling wine, cider etc. This type of the FUIC unit consists of these components :
- 2 pcs of CCT 750 liters (usable volume) / 900 liters (total volume) - Cylindroconical fermenters made of stainless steel that are insulated by PUR foam, cooled by water or glycol that circulated in cooling channels of double-jacket
- 1 pc of the compact water cooling unit with integrated condenser, cooling capacity of 2.3 kW
- Elements for measurement and control of temperature and circulation of coolant
- Piping for cooling liquid - elements for connecting between coolers and tanks
- Supporting frame with adjustable legs or wheels with an aretation
FUIC-CHP1C-2x600CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×600/720 liters, 3.0 bar, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 19 127 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP1C-2x500CCT is an independent mobile equipment with two fermenters type of cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 600 liters. (total capacity 2×720 liters) The FUIC unit includes everything what is necessary to the main fermentation of beer, to the beer maturation under pressure, to an isobaric filling beer into kegs or bottles or to serving beer into drink glasses directly from the fermenters that are included in this unit. The FUIC unit may be used also for the fermentation of other alcoholic beverages like sparkling wine, cider etc. This type of the FUIC unit consists of these components :
- 2 pcs of CCT 600 liters (usable volume) / 720 liters (total volume) - Cylindroconical fermenters made of stainless steel that are insulated by PUR foam, cooled by water or glycol that circulated in cooling channels of double-jacket
- 1 pc of the compact water cooling unit with integrated condenser, cooling capacity of 2.3 kW
- Elements for measurement and control of temperature and circulation of coolant
- Piping for cooling liquid - elements for connecting between coolers and tanks
- Supporting frame with adjustable legs or wheels with an aretation
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie Classic
Doporučujeme používat samochladící kvasné a zrací jednotky jako součást :
stavebnicového pivovaru BREWORX MODULO
stavebnicové cidérky CIDERLINE MODULO
kombi-linky pro výrobu piva i cideru BEERCIDERLINE MODULO
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