Ceník a technický popis typových cylindrokónických tanků – CKT
Ceník a technický popis všech typů námi vyráběných typových CKT (cylindrokónických tanků), určených pro kvašení piva, cideru a vína . Cylindrokónické tanky vyrábíme v několika provedeních podle úrovně výbavy a možností. Všechny ceny jsou uvedené v EUR, pro české zákazníky platí cena přepočtená z ceny v EUR dle přepočtového kurzu, vyhlášeného ČNB v den uzavření objednávky.
Doporučujeme :
CCT-M modulární cylindrokónické tanky – moderní CK tanky stavebnicové konstrukce – získejte 5 tanků v 1.
Doporučené konfigurace modulárních cylindricko-kónických tanků CCT-M :
CCTM-A1 : ceník modulárních tanků v doporučené konfiguraci A1
CCTM-A2 : ceník modulárních tanků v doporučené konfiguraci A2
CCTM-A3 : ceník modulárních tanků v doporučené konfiguraci A3
CCTM-B1 : ceník modulárních tanků v doporučené konfiguraci B1
CCTM-B2 : ceník modulárních tanků v doporučené konfiguraci B2
Více informací o systému CCT-M : Obecný popis modulárních CK tanků
CCT-C cylindrokónické tanky profi classic (standard = s izolací včetně vnějšího nerezového pláště)
- Vyráběné ve verzích : 0.0 bar / 3.0 bar
- Vyráběné v rozměrových provedeních : Extra Wide / Wide / Medium / Slim / Extra Slim / Tower
- Vyráběné v kvalitě : SQ – standard quality / HQ – high quality
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných CK tanků kategorie Profi-Classic :
PED-C : PED 2014/68/EU – the European certificate for the pressure equipment
Price: 3 000 €
The PED certificate is a necessary document for every pressure device with a permissible pressure greater than 0.5 bar (0.5
CCT-SHP3-6000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 6000/7200 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 24 461 €
CCT-SHP3-6000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 6000 liters and total volume 7200 liters for
CCT-SHP3-5000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 5000/6500 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 21 392 €
CCT-SHP3-5000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 5000 liters and total volume 6500 liters for
CCT-SHP3-4000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 4000/5500 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 20 164 €
CCT-SHP3-4000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 4000 liters and total volume 5500 liters for
CCT-SHP3-3000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 3000/3300 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 15 237 €
CCT-SHP3-3000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 3000 liters and total volume 3300 liters for
CCT-SHP3-2000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 2000/2400 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 12 440 €
CCT-SHP3-2000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 2000 liters and total volume 2400 liters for
CCT-SHP3-1500DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 1500/1800 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 11 516 €
CCT-SHP3-1500DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 1500 liters and total volume 1800 liters for
CCT-SHP3-1000DE : Cylindrically-conical universal fermentor 1000/1200 liters 3.0 bar (non-insulated / insulated)
Price: 9 470 €
CCT-SHP3-1000DE is a professional universal high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 1000 liters and total volume 1200 liters for
CCT-30000C : Cylindroconical fermentation tank CLASSIC, 0.5-3.0 bar, insulated, 3.0 bar
Price: 72 495 €
Cylindrically-conical fermentation tank (CCT, CCF, cylindroconical fermenter) with the usable tank volume 30000 liters and total volume 33000 liters, for
CCT-650C : Cylindroconical fermentation tank CLASSIC, 0.5-3.0 bar, insulated, 650/780L
Price: 7 686 €
Cylindrically-conical fermentation tank (CCT, CCF, cylindroconical fermenter) with the usable tank volume 650 liters and total volume 780 liters, for
… další varianty cylindricko-kónických tanků Profi-Classic
CK tanky zjednodušené (standard = bez izolace, za příplatek = s izolací bez vnějšího nerezového pláště)
- CCT-SNP : CK tanky zjednodušené pro max. tlak 0.0 bar
- CCT-SLP : CK tanky zjednodušené pro max. tlak 1.5 bar
- CCT-SHP : CK tanky zjednodušené pro max. tlak 3.0 bar
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných CK tanků kategorie CCT-SNP :
FTC-70CW : Conical fermentation tank 70L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 529 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 70 liters with a cooling
FTC-60CW : Conical fermentation tank 60L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 449 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 60 liters with a cooling
FTC-30CW : Conical fermentation tank 30L with cooling coil, stainless steel
Price: 286 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 30 liters with a cooling
GFCF-30PE : GF Conical Fermenter Pro Edition 30 liters, non-pressure
Price: 689 €
The GF Conical Fermenter Pro Edition gives the brewer professional fermentation control, just like big
CFT-SNP-400H Cylindrical fermentation tank 400/525 liters, non-pressure
Price: 1 450 €
CFT-SNP-400H is the simplified non-pressure Cylindrical fermentation tank with usable volume 400 liters and total
… další varianty cylindricko-kónických tanků CCT-SNP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných CK tanků kategorie CCT-SLP :
CCT-64N : Cylindroconical universal fermenter, 1.0 bar, neoprene insulated, 64 liters (1/2 BBL)
Price: 1 941 €
The CCT-64N is an universal stainless steel cylindrically-conical fermenter with total capacity of 64 liters (1/2 BBL). Recommended filling capacity
CCT-SLP-50DE : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 50/60 liters 1.2 bar (simplified fermenter)
Price: 3 389 €
The CCT-SLP-50DE is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 50 liters and total volume 60 liters for
CCT-2000N : Cylindroconical universal fermenter, 1.0 bar, double jacketed, insulated, 1750/2340 liters (15 BBL)
Price: 15 114 €
The CCT-2000N is a professional fully insulated universal stainless steel cylindrically-conical fermenter (universal fermentation tank) with total capacity of 2340
CCT-1500N : Cylindroconical universal fermenter, 1.0 bar, double jacketed, insulated, 1170/1590 liters (10 BBL)
Price: 13 222 €
The CCT-1500N is a professional fully insulated universal stainless steel cylindrically-conical fermenter (universal fermentation tank) with total capacity of 1590
CCT-1000N : Cylindroconical universal fermenter, 1.0 bar, double jacketed, insulated, 820/1100 liters (7 BBL)
Price: 11 439 €
The CCT-1000N is a professional fully insulated universal stainless steel cylindrically-conical fermenter (universal fermentation tank) with total capacity of 1100
… další varianty cylindricko-kónických tanků CCT-SLP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných CK tanků kategorie CCT-SHP :
CCT-SHP-2000DIN : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 2000/2400 liters 2.5 bar (simplified fermenter) | DIN 11851
Price: 11 499 €
The CCT-SHP-2000DIN is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 2000 liters and total volume 2400 liters for
CCT-SHP-1500DIN : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 1500/1800 liters 2.5 bar (simplified fermenter) | DIN 11851
Price: 10 092 €
The CCT-SHP-1500DIN is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 1500 liters and total volume 1800 liters for
CCT-SHP-1000DIN : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 1000/1200 liters 2.5 bar (simplified fermenter) | DIN 11851
Price: 7 866 €
The CCT-SHP-1000DIN is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 1000 liters and total volume 1200 liters for
CCT-SHP-500DIN : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 500/625 liters 2.5 bar (simplified fermenter) | DIN 11851
Price: 6 197 €
The CCT-SHP-500DIN is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 500 liters and total volume 625 liters for
CCT-SHP-50DE : Cylindrically-conical fermentation-maturation tank 50/60 liters 2.5 bar (simplified fermenter)
Price: 3 519 €
The CCT-SHP-50DE is the simplified high-pressure cylindrically-conical fermentation tank with usable volume 50 liters and total volume 60 liters for
… další varianty cylindricko-kónických tanků CCT-SHP
III. FUIC jednotky : kvasné-zrací jednotky Modulo s integrovaným kompaktním vodním chladičem
- FUIC-SNP-2xCCT : Kvasné jednotky se 2 ks zjednodušených CKT pro max. tlak 0.0 bar
- FUIC-SLP-2xCCT : Kvasné a zrací jednotky se 2 ks zjednodušených CKT pro max. tlak 1.5 bar
- FUIC-SHP-2xCCT : Kvasné a zrací jednotky se 2 ks zjednodušených CKT pro max. tlak 3.0 bar
- FUIC 2xCCT : Kvasné a zrací jednotky se 2ks plnohodnotných CKT pro max. tlak 0.0 – 3.0 bar
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SNP :
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SNP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SLP :
FUIC-SLP1C-4x500CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×500/625 liters 1.2 bar
Price: 25 391 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SLP1C-4x500CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 500 liters
FUIC-SLP1C-4x200CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×200/240 liters 1.2 bar
Price: 21 434 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SLP1C-4x200CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 200 liters
FUIC-SLP1C-4x100CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×100/120 liters 1.2 bar
Price: 19 884 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SLP1C-4x100CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 100 liters
FUIC-SLP1C-2x1000CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×1000/1200 liters 1.2 bar
Price: 19 402 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SLP1C-2x1000CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 1000 liters
FUIC-SLP1C-2x500CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×500/625 liters 1.2 bar
Price: 14 385 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SLP1C-2x500CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 500 liters
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SLP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SHP :
FUIC-SHP2C-2x500CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×500/625 liters 2.5 bar
Price: 17 568 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP2C-2x500CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 500 liters
FUIC-SHP2C-2x1000CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×1000/1200 liters 2.5 bar
Price: 22 731 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP2C-2x1000CCT is the independent mobile block with two cylindrical-conical tanks 2x 1000 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x500CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×500/625 liters 2.5bar
Price: 27 991 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x500CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 500 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x200CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×200/240 liters 2.5bar
Price: 24 274 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x200CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 200 liters
FUIC-SHP1C-4x100CCT Compact fermentation unit 4×100/120 liters 2.5bar
Price: 20 524 €
The fermentation and maturation unit BREWORX MODULO FUIC-SHP1C-4x100CCT is the independent mobile block with four cylindrical-conical tanks 4x 100 liters
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie CCT-SHP
Příklady a ceník vyráběných typizovaných FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie Classic :
PED-C : PED 2014/68/EU – the European certificate for the pressure equipment
Price: 3 000 €
The PED certificate is a necessary document for every pressure device with a permissible pressure greater than 0.5 bar (0.5
FUIC-CHP2C-2x2000CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×2000/2203 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 29 443 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP2C-2x2000CCT is an independent mobile
FUIC-CHP2C-2x1500CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×1500/1865 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 28 453 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP2C-2x1500CCT is an independent mobile
FUIC-CHP1C-2x750CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×750/900 liters, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 19 287 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP1C-2x750CCT is an independent mobile
FUIC-CHP1C-2x600CCT : Compact fermentation unit 2×600/720 liters, 3.0 bar, 0.5/1.5/3.0bar
Price: 19 127 €
The compact unit for the beer fermentation and maturation process with integrated cooling BREWORX MODULO FUIC-CHP1C-2x500CCT is an independent mobile
… další varianty FUIC jednotek s 2ks CK tanků kategorie Classic
Kvasné cylindricko-kónické tanky chlazené prostorově
IV. Nano-CCT : Mikro CK tanky bez izolace a bez chladicích kanálů určené pro domácí mikropivovary
Ceník vyráběných typizovaných CK tanků kategorie NANO-CCT :
FTC-70CW : Conical fermentation tank 70L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 529 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 70 liters with a cooling spiral, insulation jacket and thermometer.
FTC-60CW : Conical fermentation tank 60L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 449 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 60 liters with a cooling spiral, insulation jacket and thermometer.
FTC-30CW : Conical fermentation tank 30L with cooling coil, stainless steel
Price: 286 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 30 liters with a cooling spiral and thermometer. The quality
PFAR-60SK : FermZilla All-Rounder 60L set | the plastic fermenter 60 liters 2.4 bar (KegLand KL15196)
Price: 61 €
The FermZilla All-Rounder 60L is the simplest and the cheapest pressurizable plastic beer fermenter with capacity of 60 litres you
PFAR-30SK : FermZilla All-Rounder 30L set | the plastic fermenter 30 liters 2.4 bar (KegLand KL15189)
Price: 47 €
The FermZilla All-Rounder 30L is the simplest and the cheapest pressurizable plastic beer fermenter with capacity of 30 litres you
>> Cylindrokónické tanky – obecný popis
>> Popis procesu kvašení a zrání piva v tlakových nádobách