Výčepní stojany
Výčepní stojany slouží k důstojnému čepování piva a dalších nápojů do sklenic. Vhodný výběr výčepního stojanu má velký vliv na designové vnímání restaurace a mělo by korespondovat se stylem, v jakém je zařízená.
Pohled na vkusně vypadající výčepní stojan prokazatelně motivuje zákazníka k zakoupení čepovaného nápoje.
Naše nabídka zahrnuje cca 40 typů výčepních stojanů od zcela jednoduchých až po luxusní.
Nabízíme tyto výčepní stojany :
DTP-PLG : Pluto stainless steel beverage dispense tap gun (KL00949)
Price: 35 €
Pluto all-stainless tap gun for pouring beer into glass jars at various parties or your party.
KGR-NIJ : Neoprene Insulation Jacket of the Dispense Stand Body for KegLand Kegerator (KegLand KL15974)
Price: 8 €
Neoprene Insulation Jacket of the Dispense Stand Body for KegLand Kegerator
KGR-4DSS : Dispense Stand Body for 4 taps for KegLand Kegerator | Complete Set (KegLand KL15745)
Price: 95 €
The body of the KegLand Kegerator tap stand for four beer faucets. With all assembly and mounting accessories (excluding beer
KGR-3DSS : Dispense Stand Body for 3 taps for KegLand Kegerator | Complete Set (KegLand KL00499)
Price: 70 €
The body of the KegLand Kegerator tap stand for three beer faucets. With all assembly and mounting accessories (excluding beer
KGR-2DSS : Dispense Stand Body for 2 taps for KegLand Kegerator | Complete Set (KegLand KL00482)
Price: 63 €
The body of the KegLand Kegerator tap stand for two beer faucets. With all assembly and mounting accessories (excluding beer
KGR-1DSS : Dispense Stand Body for 1 tap for KegLand Kegerator | Complete Set (KegLand KL00475)
Price: 51 €
The body of the KegLand Kegerator tap stand for one beer faucet. With all assembly and mounting accessories (excluding a
PUBD-01 : Party univerzal beverage dispenser (for use with all keg types)
Price: 96 €
Complete beverage dispense set for quick a easy use with a keg with any usual coupler. Recommended for home use,
BDT-CT2TGL-ECS : Beverage dispense tower Classic-T (copper design) with 2 “GLOBAL” taps and LED medailons
Price: 976 €
Luxurious dispense tower for serving of beer, cider, wine or other beverages. Classical T-design (stainless steel core, copper outer design)
BDT-CT2TGL-EGS : Beverage dispense tower Classic-T (gold design) with 2 “GLOBAL” taps and LED medailons
Price: 976 €
Luxurious dispense tower for serving of beer, cider, wine or other beverages. Classical T-design (stainless steel core, gold outer design)
BDT-CT2TGL-EPS : Beverage dispense tower Classic-T (polished steel) with 2 “GLOBAL” taps and LED medailons
Price: 685 €
Luxurious dispense tower for serving of beer, cider, wine or other beverages. Classical T-design (polished steel) with 2 "GLOBAL" faucets,
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