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Vyvíječe horké páry

VYVÍJEČ HORKÉ PÁRY – pro ohřev varny a dalších zařízení

Vyvíječ párysteam-generators-280x143Ohřev varny párou je tradičním řešením přenosu tepla, využívaným již od doby průmyslové revoluce. Přesto i v dnešní moderní době je parní ohřev varny nejčastěji používaným způsobem ohřevu a setkáváme se s ním ve většině současných minipivovarů i velkých pivovarů. Parní ohřev várny používáme u většiny typů našich minipivovarů.


K pivovarům BREWORX  dodáváme dva druhy parních generátorů :


Výhody parního ohřevu varny

  • Rychlá výroba tepla
  • Rychlý přenos tepla i na delší vzdálenost
  • Rychlý nástup topného účinku a jeho rychlé odeznění (nízká hystereze)
  • Schopnost přenosu velkého množství tepla do ohřívané nádoby ve výměníku
  • Snadná a přesná regulovatelnost topného účinku
  • Možnost využití horké páry i k ohřevu dalších nádob a zařízení (např. zásobníku horké vody)
  • Možnost využití horké páry k rychlé sanitaci potrubních cest, varných nádob, distribučních obalů apod.

Nevýhody parního ohřevu varny :

  • Vysoké náklady na pořízení parního vyvíječe
  • Nákladnější výroba varny  a dalších ohřívaných nádob – tlakové rozvody
  • Nutnost výrobních a provozních tlakových zkoušek vyvíječe páry, duplikátorů nádob a parních rozvodů – vyšší pořizovací a provozní náklady
  • U plynových parních vyvíječů nutnost zajištění odtahu spalin a revizí plynového zařízení
  • U plynových parních vyvíječů vyšších výkonů nutnost zajištění vyhrazené místnosti – kotelny
  • Vysoké nároky na zajištění bezpečného provozu – nebezpečí úrazu párou při chybně prováděné obsluze



Úpravna vody pro vyvíječe páry

Poznámka: (u plynových vyvíječů  je nutné počítat zvlášť, u elektrických vyvíječů je úpravna vody v ceně vyvíječe). Úpravna vody se skládá ze sklolaminátové láhve, naplněné ionexovou hmotou a plastové nádoby (solankové nádrže), která slouží jako zásobník soli pro regeneraci. Tyto součásti tvoří kompaktní celek spolu s automaticky řízenou hlavou, která je namontovaná na horní části sklolaminátové láhve. Vrchná část solankové nádrže má víko, které slouží pro doplňování soli do solankové nádrže. Automatická elektronicky řízená hlava měří množství upravené vody a zahájí regeneraci podle aktuální potřeby. Je možné navolit i sanitární regeneraci, která zabezpečuje regeneraci ionexu při odstávkách provozu (ochrana ionexu při delším používání).


Elektrické vyvíječe páry – ceník a technický popis dodávaných typů :

  • MESG-18S : Micro electric steam generator 18kW 0.5bar (24 kg/h)

    Price: 1 712 €

    Powerful steam generator with heating capacity of 18 kW for extra heavy continuous load operation. These robust models in a stainless steel case have exceptional steam generating capabilities thanks to the unique Teflon technology on the heating spirals. Output capacity is up to 24 kg of steam per hour at pressure 0.5 bar and temperature 111°C.

  • MESG-15S : Micro electric steam generator 15kW 0.5bar (20 kg/h)

    Price: 1 497 €

    Powerful steam generator with heating capacity of 15 kW for extra heavy continuous load operation. These robust models in a stainless steel case have exceptional steam generating capabilities thanks to the unique Teflon technology on the heating spirals. Output capacity is up to 20 kg of steam per hour at pressure 0.5 bar and temperature 111°C.

  • MESG-12S : Micro electric steam generator 12kW 0.5bar (15 kg/h)

    Price: 1 315 €

    Powerful steam generator with heating capacity of 12 kW for extra heavy continuous load operation. These robust models in a stainless steel case have exceptional steam generating capabilities thanks to the unique Teflon technology on the heating spirals. Output capacity is up to 15 kg of steam per hour at pressure 0.5 bar and temperature 111°C.

  • MESG-09S : Micro electric steam generator 9kW 0.5bar (12 kg/h)

    Price: 1 137 €

    Powerful steam generator with heating capacity of 9 kW for extra heavy continuous load operation. These robust models in a stainless steel case have exceptional steam generating capabilities thanks to the unique Teflon technology on the heating spirals. Output capacity is up to 12 kg of steam per hour at pressure 0.5 bar and temperature 111°C.

  • MESG-06S : Micro electric steam generator 6kW 0.5bar (8 kg/h)

    Price: 965 €

    Powerful steam generator with heating capacity of 6 kW for extra heavy continuous load operation. These robust models in a stainless steel case have exceptional steam generating capabilities thanks to the unique Teflon technology on the heating spirals. Output capacity is up to 8 kg of steam per hour at pressure 0.5 bar and temperature 111°C.

  • TSE-600 : Electric steam generator 300-600 kW | 390-780 kg/hr | 5,5-11.5 bar

    Price: 42 000 €

    Automatic electric hot steam-generator with capacity from 300 kW up to 600 kW (from 390 up to 780 kg of hot steam per hour) Water feed can be connected directly to the water mains or to a condensate tank. Regulation of the working steam pressure is adjustable in range from 1 to 5.5 bar (version 5B) or from 1 to 11.5 bar (version 11B). This steam-generator is available with eight heaters (20x

  • MXSG-30CSF : Electric steam generator GHIDINI MAXI-60 15-30kW / 20-45kg/hr | pressure from 4.5 to 8.5 bar | Complete system on the frame

    Price: 13 132 €

    Automatic electric hot steam-generator - the complete system on the frame

  • with capacity from 15 kW up to 30 kW (from 20.5 up to 39 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is not reused
  • with capacity from 15 kW up to 30 kW (from 22.5 up to 45 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is reused
  • The compact build pre-assembled and tested steam

  • MXSG-30 : Electric steam generator GHIDINI MAXI-60 15-30kW / 22-45kg/hr | pressure from 4.5 to 8.5 bar

    Price: 4 942 €

    Automatic electric hot steam-generator

  • with capacity from 15 kW up to 30 kW (from 20.5 up to 39 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is not reused (the condesate recovery set is not included)
  • with capacity from 15 kW up to 30 kW (from 22.5 up to 45 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is reused (the condesate recovery set is included)
  • Water

  • TSE-240 : Electric steam generator 120-240 kW | 156-312 kg/hr | 11.5 bar

    Price: 24 150 €

    Automatic electric hot steam-generator with capacity from 120 kW up to 240 kW (from 156 up to 312 kg of hot steam per hour) Water feed can be connected directly to the water mains or to a condensate tank. Regulation of the working steam pressure is adjustable in range from 1 to 11.5 bar. This steam-generator is available with eight heaters (8x 30 kW) . The steam-generator shell is manufactured in accordance

  • MXSG-12CSF : Electric steam generator GHIDINI MAXI-24 6-12kW / 8-18kg/hr | pressure from 4.5 to 7.0 bar | Complete system on the frame

    Price: 10 454 €

    Automatic electric hot steam-generator - the complete system on the frame :

  • with capacity 12 kW (7.8-15.6 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is not reused
  • with capacity 12 kW (9.0-18.0 kg of hot steam per hour) - if returned condensate is reused
  • The compact build pre-assembled and tested steam generator with all recommended accessories. All is delivered on the stainless steel frame, with all internal connections,

Plynové vyvíječe páry – ceník a technický popis dodávaných typů :

  • GSG-DBP : Special burner and the pump for use the steam generator with diesel (the heating oil)

    Price: 750 €

    Special accessories for gas steam-generators. This device allows you using of diesel (the heating oil) as a fuel with a gas steam-generator.

  • GSG-1500A : Gas steam generator 1047 kW | 1500 kg/hr | 16bar

    Price: 60 372 €

    The compact vertical design of the GSG-1500A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 1047 kW generates from treated water 1500 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE

  • GSG-1000A : Gas steam generator 698 kW | 1000 kg/hr | 16bar

    Price: 51 732 €

    The compact vertical design of the GSG-1000A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 698 kW generates from treated water 1000 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE

  • GSG-750ACS : Gas steam generator 524 kW | 750 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame

    Price: 53 406 €

    The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-750A gas steam generator with output capacity 524 kW which generates up to 750 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections

  • GSG-750A : Gas steam generator 524 kW | 750 kg/hr | 16bar

    Price: 46 332 €

    The compact vertical design of the GSG-750A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 524 kW generates from treated water 750 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE

  • GSG-500ACS : Gas steam generator 349 kW | 500 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame

    Price: 44 766 €

    The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-500A gas steam generator with output capacity 349 kW which generates up to 500 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections

  • GSG-500A : Gas steam generator 349 kW | 500kg/hr | 16bar

    Price: 37 692 €

    Fully automatic gas steam generator with heating power 349 kW and output capacity of 500 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure up to 16 bar.. The compact vertical design of the GSG-500A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 349 kW generates from treated water 500 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16

  • GSG-350ACS : Gas steam generator 244 kW | 350 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame

    Price: 41 526 €

    The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-350A gas steam generator with output capacity 244 kW which generates up to 350 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections

  • GSG-350A : Gas steam generator 244 kW | 350kg/hr | 16bar

    Price: 34 452 €

    The compact vertical design of the GSG-350A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 244 kW generates from treated water 350 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE

  • GSG-150ACS : Gas steam generator 105 kW | 150kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame

    Price: 35 046 €

    The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-150A gas steam generator with output capacity 105 kW which generates up to 150 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections


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