Vyvíječe páry na plyn / LTO pro parní ohřev minipivovarů
Plynové vyvíječe páry jsou vhodným řešením zejména pro minipivovary střední a větší velikosti (od 10 HL). Hlavním důvodem pro volbu plynového vyvíječe páry je zejména omezení potřebného dimenzovaného příkonu (jističe), který by pro větší varny vybavené elektrickým vyvíječem páry byl velmi vysoký. Plynové parní vyvíječe je možné použít také pro spalování lehkých topných olejů, což je výhodné všude tam, kde není k dispozici plynové vedení.
K našim minipivovarům dodáváme plynové vyvíječe páry včetně veškerého potřebného příslušenství a montážních prací. Dodávka plynového vyvíječe páry obvykle obsahuje :
- Vlastní plynový parní vyvíječ
- Dvoustupňový Riello hořák na plyn nebo LTO (peletky)
- Přetlakový hořák s ventilátorem
- Nerezový zásobník napájecí/kondenzační vody s čerpadlem, řízením hladiny a teploty vody, armaturami, uzavíracími a pojistnými ventily
- Nerezové oplechování izolace
- Úpravna vody
- Dávkovací čerpadlo
- Napojení na odkouření
- Napojení na elektrické rozvody, vodu a kanalizaci
- Passport tlakového zařízení
- Výchozí revize plynového spotřebiče
Komplexní dodávka plynového parního vyvíječe k minipivovarům BREWORX :
Plynové vyvíječe páry – ceník a technický popis dodávaných typů :
GSG-DBP : Special burner and the pump for use the steam generator with diesel (the heating oil)
Price: 750 €
Special accessories for gas steam-generators. This device allows you using of diesel (the heating oil) as a fuel with a gas steam-generator.
GSG-1500A : Gas steam generator 1047 kW | 1500 kg/hr | 16bar
Price: 60 372 €
The compact vertical design of the GSG-1500A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 1047 kW generates from treated water 1500 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE
GSG-1000A : Gas steam generator 698 kW | 1000 kg/hr | 16bar
Price: 51 732 €
The compact vertical design of the GSG-1000A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 698 kW generates from treated water 1000 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE
GSG-750ACS : Gas steam generator 524 kW | 750 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame
Price: 53 406 €
The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-750A gas steam generator with output capacity 524 kW which generates up to 750 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections
GSG-750A : Gas steam generator 524 kW | 750 kg/hr | 16bar
Price: 46 332 €
The compact vertical design of the GSG-750A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 524 kW generates from treated water 750 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE
GSG-500ACS : Gas steam generator 349 kW | 500 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame
Price: 44 766 €
The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-500A gas steam generator with output capacity 349 kW which generates up to 500 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections
GSG-500A : Gas steam generator 349 kW | 500kg/hr | 16bar
Price: 37 692 €
Fully automatic gas steam generator with heating power 349 kW and output capacity of 500 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure up to 16 bar.. The compact vertical design of the GSG-500A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 349 kW generates from treated water 500 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16
GSG-350ACS : Gas steam generator 244 kW | 350 kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame
Price: 41 526 €
The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-350A gas steam generator with output capacity 244 kW which generates up to 350 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections
GSG-350A : Gas steam generator 244 kW | 350kg/hr | 16bar
Price: 34 452 €
The compact vertical design of the GSG-350A generator occupies less floor space and its 100% safety allows you to place it into any environments. Output capacity 244 kW generates from treated water 350 kg of hot steam at pressure of up to 16 bar. The machine complies with EU Directive 97/23 EC (PED) and Module H1, CE
GSG-150ACS : Gas steam generator 105 kW | 150kg/hr | 16bar | Complete steam boiler room on the frame
Price: 35 046 €
The compact fully equipped steam boiler room based on the GSG-150A gas steam generator with output capacity 105 kW which generates up to 150 kg of hot steam per hour at pressure of up to 16 bar. The compact solution of a complete system which which includes the steam generator, the water/condensate supply tank, the water treatment system, the circulation pump, the by-pass system, all internal pipelines, electric switchbox and connections