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CLP-1000 : CiderLine PROFI 1000

Ceník vzorových sestav linek pro výrobu cideru CIDERLINE PROFI 1000

s kvasnými tanky s objemem 1000 litrů.

Profesionální řada průmyslových cidérek, u nichž je na prvním místě požadavek na maximálně efektivní výrobu cideru.


Ceník a vzorové konfigurace cidérek řady CIDERLINE PROFI 1000 :

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000A-1200E

    Price: 318 808 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000A-1200E (in this advanced configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 8000 liters up to 120000 liters. The

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000A-900E

    Price: 259 483 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000A-900E (in this advanced configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 8000 liters up to 90000 liters. The

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000M-960B

    Price: 226 596 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000M-960B (in this minimal basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 32000 liters up to 96000 liters.

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000M-720B

    Price: 180 471 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000M-720B (in this minimal basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 24000 liters up to 72000 liters.

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000M-480B

    Price: 134 346 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000M-480B (in this minimal basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 16000 liters up to 48000 liters.

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000A-600E

    Price: 201 156 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000A-600E (in this advanced configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 8000 liters up to 60000 liters. The

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000A-300E

    Price: 158 250 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000A-300E (in this advanced configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 8000 liters up to 30000 liters. The

  • CiderLine PROFI 1000M-240B

    Price: 88 221 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE PROFI 1000M-240B (in this minimal basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 8000 liters up to 24000 liters.

.. zobrazit všechny sestavy CiderLine Profi 1000



 >> Více informací o cidérkách CiderLine Profi



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  • Nabízí konkurence podobnou sestavu levněji ?
  • Potřebujete podobnou sestavu cidérky s odlišnými parametry ?
  • Chtěli byste zjistit návratnost investice do plánované cidérky ?


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Další informace :

Obecné informace o průmyslové výrobě cideru …

Informace o průmyslových cidérkách CIDERLINE PROFI …