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CLM-500 : CiderLine MODULO 500

Cenová nabídka vzorových sestav linek pro výrobu cideru CIDERLINE MODULO 500

Speciální řada stavebnicových cidérek, které si zákazník postaví sám z dodaných komponentů a postupně je rozšiřuje podle aktuálních potřeb.



Ceník a vzorové konfigurace CIDERLINE MODULO 500 :

Cidérky CiderLine Modulo s kvasnými tanky o objemu 500 litrů.

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-450E

    Price: 182 043 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-450E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 15000 to 45000 liters of cider and

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-450B

    Price: 64 308 €

    The cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-450B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 15000 to 45000 liters of cider. The

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-330E

    Price: 151 657 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-330E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 11000 to 33000 liters of cider

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-330B

    Price: 50 010 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-330B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 11000 to 33000 liters of cider.

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-210E

    Price: 118 581 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-210E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 7000 to 21000 liters of cider

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-210B

    Price: 35 712 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-210B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 7000 to 21000 liters of cider.

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-90E

    Price: 85 505 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-90E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 3000 to 9000 liters of cider

  • CiderLine MODULO 500M-90B

    Price: 21 414 €

    The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 500M-90B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 3000 to 9000 liters of cider.

.. zobrazit všechny sestavy CiderLine Modulo 500



Linka pro výrobu cideru - technologické schéma



  • Nevyhovuje Vám tato standardní nabídka ?
  • Nabízí konkurence podobnou sestavu levněji ?
  • Potřebujete podobnou sestavu cidérky s odlišnými parametry ?
  • Chtěli byste zjistit návratnost investice do plánované cidérky ?


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Další informace :

Obecné informace o průmyslové výrobě cideru …

Informace o stavebnicových cidérkách CIDERLINE MODULO …

Komponenty stavebnice MODULO – popis a ceny…