Cenová nabídka vzorových sestav linek pro výrobu cideru CIDERLINE MODULO 1000
Speciální řada stavebnicových cidérek, které si zákazník postaví sám z dodaných komponentů a postupně je rozšiřuje podle aktuálních potřeb.
Ceník a vzorové konfigurace CIDERLINE MODULO 1000 :
Cidérky CiderLine Modulo s kvasnými tanky o objemu 1000 litrů.
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-900E
Price: 252 946 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-900E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 30000 to 90000 liters of cider
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-900B
Price: 219 284 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-900B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 30000 to 90000 liters of cider.
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-660E
Price: 203 492 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-660E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 22000 to 66000 liters of cider
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-660B
Price: 169 830 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-660B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 22000 to 66000 liters of cider.
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-420E
Price: 159 647 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-420E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 14000 to 42000 liters of cider
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-420B
Price: 120 376 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-420B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 14000 to 42000 liters of cider.
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-180E
Price: 107 057 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-180E (in this expanded configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 6000 to 18000 liters of cider
CiderLine MODULO 1000M-180B
Price: 70 922 €
The modular cider production line kit type CIDER LINE MODULO 1000M-180B (in this basic configuration) includes all equipment necessary for the annual production from 6000 to 18000 liters of cider.
.. zobrazit všechny sestavy CiderLine Modulo 1000
- Nevyhovuje Vám tato standardní nabídka ?
- Nabízí konkurence podobnou sestavu levněji ?
- Potřebujete podobnou sestavu cidérky s odlišnými parametry ?
- Chtěli byste zjistit návratnost investice do plánované cidérky ?
Kontaktujte nás. Rádi pro Vás zpracujeme individuální nabídku
Vyberte si prosím z těchto formulářů :
Další informace :
Obecné informace o průmyslové výrobě cideru …
Informace o stavebnicových cidérkách CIDERLINE MODULO …
Komponenty stavebnice MODULO – popis a ceny…