Ruční plničky lahví pro minipivovary
Začínající minipivovar s malým objemem výroby obvykle nemá investičních prostředků nazbyt. Přesto i pro něj existují velmi levná a osvědčená řešení, jak nabízet zákazníkům pivo v lahvích zákazníkům ke konzumaci piva mimo pivovar. Nabízíme několik řešení pro ruční plnění piva do lahví v malých pivovarech, kde není větší podíl ruční práce zásadním problémem.
Zařízení pro manuální plnění lahví :
GBFU-4F : Semi-automatic gravity bottle filling machine with the buffer tank and the plate filter
Price: 3 930 €
Semiautomatic filling machine with the plate filter, the buffer tank and the automatic pump designed to filtration and gravity filling
GBBFU-6 : Semi-automatic gravity filling machine for bottles, Bag-In-Box and Pouch-Up bags, with the buffer tank
Price: 10 366 €
Semiautomatic filling machine with a buffer tank and an automatic pump designed to gravity filling non-carbonated beverages with low viscosity
GBFU-6 : Semi-automatic gravity bottle filling machine with the buffer tank
Price: 3 290 €
Semiautomatic filling machine with a buffer tank and an automatic pump designed to gravity filling non-carbonated beverages with low viscosity
UF-GPB2S : Universal stainless steel counter pressure bottle filling valve for glass and PET bottles
Price: 125 €
Counter-pressure stainless steel filler for glass and PET bottles. Universal filling system for fast, non-foaming bottling of beer and other
UF-GPSS : Sealing set for the Universal stainless steel counter pressure bottle filling valve for glass and PET bottles
Price: 5 €
Set of gaskets for the UF-GP2S Universal stainless steel counter pressure bottle filling valve for glass and PET bottles.
BFIN-3 : Bottle filling isobaric needle – the BALL LOCK stainless steel counter pressure filler
Price: 45 €
The counter-pressure bottling needle is a system with the BALL LOCK hose connectors for fast, non-foaming bottling of beer and
BFIN-2 : Bottle filling isobaric needle – the Nukatap stainless steel counter pressure filler (KegLand KL21760)
Price: 40 €
The counter-pressure bottling machine is a system for fast, non-foaming bottling of beer and other foamy beverages from kegs into
CBF8-1200 : Semi-automatic counterpressure bottle filler / up to 1200 bottles per hour
Price: 12 480 €
Compact manual semi-automatic counterpressure filler with 8 filling heads and touch display. Designed to isobaric filling carbonated or non-carbonated beverages
CBF4-600 : Semi-automatic counterpressure bottle filler (up to 600 bottles per hour)
Price: 6 899 €
Compact manual semi-automatic counterpressure filler with 4 filling heads and touch display. Designed to isobaric filling carbonated or non-carbonated beverages
PBFM-04 : PEGAS EVOLUTION DUO – Filling valve for PET-bottles (for two kinds of beer)
Price: 179 €
The PEGAS EVOLUTION DUO is universal manual filling valve for the filling carbonated beverages into PET bottles. Its design allows
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