Cenová nabídka vzorových sestav minipivovaru BREWORX LITE-ME 500
Produktová řada minipivovarů BREWORX Lite-ME je zaměřená na tradiční restaurační minipivovary, vyrábějící pivo ze sladového extraktu, chmele a vody. Kromě komfortu obsluhy a vysoké funkčnosti je důraz kladen na klasický design varny, která se stává dominantou pivovarské restaurace. Více variant kvasných a zracích nádob, manuální nebo automatické ovládání varného, kvasného a zracího procesu výroby piva.
Minipivovary BREWORX LITE-ME 501 – s kvasnými a zracími tanky s objemem 500 litrů
Tyto pivovary jsou vybavené interiérovou varnou BREWORX LITE-ME 500 a sadou speciálních tlakových nádob s užitečným objemem 500 litrů pro kvasný a zrací proces výroby piva.
Výrobní kapacita pivovarů od 375 do 1500 hektolitrů piva za rok.
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501A-1500
Price: 226 052 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501A-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501A-1125
Price: 206 660 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501A-1125 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501A-750
Price: 181 307 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501A-750 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501A-375
Price: 155 185 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501A-375 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501M-1500
Price: 174 423 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501M-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501M-1125
Price: 153 863 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501M-1125 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501M-750
Price: 126 862 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501M-750 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 501M-375
Price: 104 697 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 501M-375 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
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Minipivovary BREWORX LITE-ME 502 – s kvasnými a zracími tanky s objemem 1000 litrů
Tyto pivovary jsou vybavené interiérovou varnou BREWORX LITE-ME 500 a sadou speciálních tlakových nádob s užitečným objemem 1000 litrů pro kvasný a zrací proces výroby piva.
Výrobní kapacita pivovarů od 375 do 11000 hektolitrů piva za rok.
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502A-3000
Price: 250 514 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502A-3000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502A-2250
Price: 224 185 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502A-2250 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502A-1500
Price: 192 834 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502A-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502A-750
Price: 162 625 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502A-750 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502M-3000
Price: 212 893 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502M-3000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502M-2250
Price: 183 094 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502M-2250 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502M-1500
Price: 146 213 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502M-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 502M-750
Price: 115 649 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 502M-750 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
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Minipivovary BREWORX LITE-ME 503 – s kvasnými a zracími tanky s objemem 1500 litrů
Tyto pivovary jsou vybavené interiérovou varnou BREWORX LITE-ME 500 a sadou speciálních tlakových nádob s užitečným objemem 11000 litrů pro kvasný a zrací proces výroby piva.
Výrobní kapacita pivovarů od 1125 do 4500 hektolitrů piva za rok.
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503A-4500
Price: 266 991 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503A-4500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503A-3375
Price: 237 746 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503A-3375 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503A-2250
Price: 201 883 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503A-2250 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503A-1125
Price: 169 102 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503A-1125 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503M-4500
Price: 229 370 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503M-4500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503M-3375
Price: 196 655 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503M-3375 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503M-2250
Price: 155 262 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503M-2250 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 503M-1125
Price: 122 126 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 503M-1125 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
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Minipivovary BREWORX LITE-ME 504 – s kvasnými a zracími tanky s objemem 2000 litrů
Tyto pivovary jsou vybavené interiérovou varnou BREWORX LITE-ME 500 a sadou speciálních tlakových nádob s užitečným objemem 2000 litrů pro kvasný a zrací proces výroby piva.
Výrobní kapacita pivovarů od 1500 do 6000 hektolitrů piva za rok.
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504A-6000
Price: 280 137 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504A-6000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504A-4500
Price: 246 941 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504A-4500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504A-3000
Price: 210 509 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504A-3000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504A-1500
Price: 174 324 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504A-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504M-6000
Price: 242 516 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504M-6000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504M-4500
Price: 205 850 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504M-4500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504M-3000
Price: 163 888 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504M-3000 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
Microbrewery BREWORX Lite-ME 504M-1500
Price: 127 348 €
Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ME 504M-1500 with the brewhouse BREWORX LITE-ME 500 allows the
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>>Technický popis pivovarů BREWORX LITE-ME
- Nevyhovuje Vám tato standardní nabídka ?
- Nabízí konkurence podobnou sestavu levněji ?
- Potřebujete podobnou sestavu pivovaru s odlišnými parametry ?
- Chtěli byste zdarma zjistit návratnost investice do plánovaného minipivovaru ?